Plan de clase

Institución: Escuela Primaria “Vicente Guerrero”.
Grado: 6° Primaria
Título o tema: “Simple Past Tense” (Verbos en pasado simple).
Tiempo: 1 hora con 20 minutos.
Objetivos comunicativos: El alumno investigará, analizará y comprenderá la utilización de diferentes verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado simple.
Objetivos lingüísticos: Regular and Irregular verbs in simple past.

Presentacion del tema: Se le hace al alumno el planteamiento del tema y la forma de trabajo en clase

What day is today?
What day was yesterday?

The simple past expresses an action in the past taking place once, never, several times. It can also be used for actions taking place one after another or in the middle of another action.

Practica: (Se le explica al alumno que va a trabajar en varias paginas que tienen los verbos en pasado simple asi como la forma de evaluacion que se va a implementar)

A).-In the following pages you can find excercises or examples about simple past that may help you

B).-Create a time line about your favorite movie star uing verbs and sentences in simple past.

C).-Write a paragraph about the best vacation you had and explained what you did along that day

"The last summer I go to the beach and it was great, I spend most of my time in the pool and I had a wonderful time. I play with my mom on the beach and I make a sand castle (which destroyed because of a wave grrr), then at night we eaten shrimps and coconut water mmmm it were so wonderful. The next day I ..........."

C.1.-Send that paragraph via e-mail to your teacher.
C.2.-Your teacher will send the information to a different student (that's why is important that you send your e-mail)
C.3.-Read and put in color red the mistakes you think your classmate has in the story

"The last summer I go to the beach and it was great, I spend most of my time in the "alberc" and I had a wonderful time. I play with my mom on the beach and I make a sand castle (which it was destroy because of a wave grrr), then at night we eaten shrimps and coconut water mmmm it were so wonderful. the next day I ..........."

C.4.-Send it back to your teacher with the mistakes underlined so your teahcer can check them too

D).-Correct and read your paragraph to one of your friends or in front of the class.

E).-Finally save your mail and print it.

Evaluacion: La calificacion final se evaluara de la siguiente manera:

20% por la linea del tiempo de tu artista favorito.

50% por la historia de tus vacaciones ya corregidos los errores.

30% de participacion y trabajo en clase.

Recursos: Los siguientes links the pueden ayudar a completar tu trabajo


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